Lepekhin Studio | Our projects
Lepekhin Studio is a remote team of designers, editors developers, and managers from different countries.
We create strong solutions that help brands enter new markets, grow, and earn more: logos, identity, websites, etc. We have a strong expertise in design and delivering results on time.
We work with a focus on process, business and project goals
Work posters
We collected some phrases about work and added office-style illustrations
Studio sticker pack
We created stickers with phrases that we use during our projects – about our approach to work and studio philosophy.
Mudra yoga school analytics: customer survey, site analysis and cohort analysis
Mudra is a yoga school based in Tyumen for beginners and advanced yoga practitioners. The school turned 11 years old, and now they are ready to grow and develop further.
Glavreds' Club logotype & identity
Glavreds' Club is the community of Irina Ilyakhova and Semyon Inozemtsev, where media leaders and editors-in-chief can receive support and experience in a safe environment. The project started as a joke, but within a year it turned into a school of growth and a platform of experience exchange. We designed a neat logo and a flexible and dynamic identity that will help the Club convey its values and ideas to people.
Museum of Russian Icons website
Музей русской иконы крупнейший в России частный музей христианского искусства. В его коллекции русские и греческие иконы, предметы храмового убранства и другие религиозные памятники. В студии спроектировали и запустили новый сайт музея. Мы придумали новую логику для сайта, сделали простой и понятный каталог событий и оформили все страницы в новой айдентике.
Museum of Russian Icons identity
Музей русской иконы крупнейшая в России частная коллекция христианского искусства. В студии сделали айдентику, которая подчёркивает красоту иконы как произведения искусства, притягивает внимание к деталям и помогает сотрудникам музея решать ежедневные задачи.
Leo Tolstoy sticker pack
We made a sticker pack with Leo Tolstoy quotes, together with the illustrator Rosa Aspho. There are two lists of stickers with different quotes and beautiful drawings made by Rosa.
Real Manager 2.0 sticker pack
Kolesnik interactive objects map
The studio made an interactive map with Kolesnik's objects and a handy admin panel for adding new points. The map can be displayed on the screen or embedded on the website.
Keybox storage service website redesign
Keybox is a service that provides temporary storage services in Tyumen. The studio has redesigned the website.
Okoshki, online scheduling service
We designed Okoshki, an online scheduler for makers and underdogs. It's a web service for the self-employed who receive clients by appointment: beauty masters, hairdressers, coaches, masseurs, psychologists, tutors, and many others. We simply call them makers.
Kolesnik welcome book
Kolesnik art director Denis Silin asked the studio to create a welcome book — a corporate guide for new employees. We studied their previous corporate standards, then composed a new text based, and typeset it for printing.
Kolesnik commercial realty investment company newsletter
We launched a newsletter for Kolesnik company. They have been operating and improving their renovation processes for 8 years. But they never told about it publicly. We've offered a decision — seven newsletters, each of them devoted to one of the renovation stages.
Plan A wiring company website
Plan A provides electrical installation for flats, private houses and companies. Also, they install and set up smart home technology. Our studio has developed a single-page website which tells about the company, its projects and work approach.
Stoyky sticker pack
Kika clothes brand presentation
Kolesnik commercial realty investment company website redesign
Website about the Finnish architect Alvar Aalto
Алвар Аалто финский архитектор и дизайнер, основатель североевропейского модернизма и представитель скандинавского дизайна ХХ века. Его решения опередили время и запустили глобальный тренд на функционализм и минимализм. В студии задизайнили красивый сайт об Аалто с элементами айдентики, отсылающими к финской природе, творчеству архитектора, его идеям и убеждениям.
Access and Link poster
Our studio has developed a nice poster for authors, editors, SMM managers, and all people who write texts. The poster will perfectly suit any office or apartment. You can put this poster above your workplace, and it will gently remind you to open access to documents. the document before sending.
Mirror widget architecture and design
Neuro-Psy evidence-based psychotherapy clinic website
Tochka Tsveta film photo lab website
Olen barbershop website
«Олень» не просто очередной барбершоп. Здесь приправляют модные стрижки и аккуратное бритьё смелым юмором и душевной атмосферой для своих посетителей. В студии разработали для барбершопа простой и лаконичный сайт, где клиенты могут узнать о подходе команды к работе и записаться на стрижку.
Discipline coffeeshop cup design and stickers
Discipline is a coffeeshop and a coworking in Tyumen. People come here for excellent coffee and a pleasant working atmosphere. We made collaboration and developed the design of cups and sticker packs.
Matryoshki manicure studio website
Olen barbershop logotype and identity
Matryoshki manucure studio logotype and identity
Genius immersive show website
«Джиниус» это иммерсивное шоу, посвящённое творчеству Леонардо да Винчи. К запуску первой выставочной площадки в Берлине в студии задизайнили сайт невероятной красоты и загадочности.
Genius immersive show key visual
Genius immersive show started in Berlin right after the pandemic. Now the Genius team launches the advertising campaign for the exhibitions in creative capitals around the world. Our studio has developed a dynamic and adaptive key visual for out-of-home advertising and social media using works of Leonardo da Vinci as the basis for the key visual conception.
DGPP project website
DGPP project logotype and identity
Tochka Tsveta photo laboratory logotype and identity
Genius immersive show logotype
«Джиниус» это иммерсивное шоу, посвящённое творчеству Леонардо да Винчи. Через видео и AR-инсталляции зрители смогут увидеть мир глазами художника и заново познакомиться с его полотнами и изобретениями, переосмыслить творческую природу человека и увидеть возможности для созидания в современном мире. В студии для проекта задизайнили стильный знак и логотип.
Kolesnik commercial realty investment company website
In addition to the placard and identity, we designed a corporate website for the Kolesnik team. It looks simple, but behind this simplicity is a lot of analytical work.
Kolesnik commercial realty investment company logo and identity
Psy-Doc online clinic of evidence-based psychotherapy website
Psy-Doc online clinic of evidence-based psychotherapy logotype
Kolesnik informational plate about building renovation
Доходный дом «Колесник» инвестиционная компания в сфере коммерческой недвижимости. Команда доходного дома выкупает неприглядные здания на инвесторские деньги, реставрирует их и продаёт в качестве готового арендного бизнеса. В студии разработали дизайн таблички с информацией о реновации здания, архитекторе и исполнителе.
Neuro-Psy clinic of evidence-based psychotherapy logotype and identity
Neuro-Psy is a network of psychotherapy clinics with offices in Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Samara, Krasnodar, and Yekaterinburg. Their specialists select and implement only evidence-based methods of treatment and psychological help. Our studio has designed and developed a new and convenient website for the clinic.
Sava engineering centre website
Provintsialy podcast logo
Sava engineering centre logotype
Shchusev Museum of Architecture identity conception
Музей архитектуры имени Алексея Щусева главный в России и самый большой в мире музей архитектуры. Студия участвовала в конкурсе и задизайнила концепцию логотипа и айдентики музея. За основу был взят фирменный красный цвет музея. Логотип в виде буквы «М», изображённой в перспективе, отражает устремлённость архитектурной мысли в будущее.
Grossmeister Capital investment and asset management company second website
Our studio designed and developed the second version of the Grossmeister Capital website. This year the company released its investment certificate with active management on the Swiss Exchange. This and other new products required a separate page with a description. In the studio we designed a catalogue for investment products and a page of a separate solution.
Poteryashki homeless animals shelter identity
Svoya Brigada repairment company naming and logo
Leo Architect architecture and interior design studio website
Tyumen sticker pack
В студии задизайнили наклейки с фразами, по которым можно отличить настоящего тюменца, ведь только в Сибири говорят «но» вместо «да», а родной город называют «Тюменькой». Вдохновением для тюменского стикерпака послужили популярные символы города: весы «Тюмень», узоры деревянного зодчества, нефтяная вышка и валенки.
Denis Silin designer and manager logo
Denis Silin is a project manager, presentation designer, technical director, and jack of all trades. Our studio has developed a bold, provocative and daring identity.
Real Manager sticker pack
Leo Architect interior design and architecture studio logo
Khanzha regional festival for adults logo & identity
Gorizont homemade wines festival website
«Горизонт» это ежегодный фестиваль натуральных вин в Москве. На нём собираются виноделы и сомелье из стран Европы и Южной Америки и делятся своим опытом. А после официальной части гости отдыхают на винной вечеринке. Для фестиваля в студии разработали сайт, яркий как разнообразие вкусов вина из разных уголков мира.
Svoya Brigada repairment company website
Svoya Brigada is a repair company that has been working on the Tyumen market since 1998. In the early 2000s, all clients requested the company's services via recommendations, but over time the company decided to promote services on the internet as more and more clients moved there. Our studio has developed a website with a simple admin panel for content management and adding new works. This is the most beautiful website among repair companies in Tyumen.
Grossmeister Capital, investment and asset management company first website
Homebox storage service website